COVID-19 (coronavirus)

I’ve been MIA and I figured now is as good a time as any to come back and be present.

The world is going through a crazy period. The scariest part about this is the fact that, at least that’s what I’ve observed, no one really knows nor understands what is really going on; what exactly is this virus and how should it be handled?! If that’s not scary then I really don’t know what is…

It’s a struggle. What do I do? Should I stay or should I go? Do I go to work or do I stay home? If I stay home, because I’m being responsible and taking into consideration that I’m a SickleCeller, will I lose my job? Will I still be able to pay my bills?

Regular humans are having this same conversation in every other household these days, so therefore, as someone who is not considered “regular” (in that context), what conversation you think I’m having?

I always end my posts with “smile, it could be worse!” But today I want to end with something, considering that we are living through something quite different currently.

I know things are not easy easy on us these days. We don’t understand what’s really happening. They’re not telling us much, because they don’t really understand what’s happening. Being on yet another lockdown adds unto the trauma but, what does panicking bring? For me, it’s a sure path into stress and hospitalization. I’m choosing and strongly advising everyone to not panic until we know what it is we’re panicking about.

I say all while having in mind that it could be easier said than done but, I really encourage everyone to try. Until we know more, let’s try not to panic and stress and get sick and let’s smile, because it definitely could be worse.

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